
Verifications (1)

Services ensure you own your domain name by having you add a TXT record with a custom value they can verify against. Add notes to these records so you can remember what they're for. Notes will appear in this list next to the corresponding record.

Verifier 🤝 FQDN
Verifying value
Hey (37signals) 🤝 dnsdigest.com
Required by our email service provider Hey! to prove we own the domain.

DnsDigest doesn't work on smaller screen widths.

I get it. It's 2024. You should be able to do anything on your phone or tablet that you can do on your laptop.

Except this site. I think the design is best left for wider screens. Besides who wants to look at DNS records on a tiny screen?

So rest easy for now and load us up when you're back at your desk!

Ka Wai Cheung
Creator of DnsDigest